Thursday, November 13, 2014

Alone, not lonely

People are social animals. We are formed by family dynamics, social interactions and, conscious or not, accepted or rejected, the tenets of religion. 

Without those parameters, we wander in madness. We stumble along an unseen road. Logic is discarded. Definitions become meaningless. We discover we've worn a mask not of our own making. We learn a new language.

Fears arise. Confusion is a rite of passage. There is always the temptation to turn back. 

But a greater force than family, society and religion exists and it pushes us onward.

That force is the power of the soul seeking union with God. 

To do so it must first cross the bridge of loneliness. Then walk in the valley of uncertainty. Each step takes us further from the limited reality we've been taught. A sudden storm cleanses and purifies. We stumble on. 

We enter the land of the unknown but in the distance there is a mountain. Upon that peak shrouded in white clouds, a light glows like a beacon urging us to come.

We spread our wings and fly. 

Yes, "we" fly together. Even in solitude, you are never alone.

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