Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Am I Doing This?

I am a monk by lifestyle and a hermit at heart, so why blog?

Well, to quote someone whose name I can't remember,

"We keep one foot in the traditional
and the other foot in the present.
In that way, we keep our balance."

We've come a long way since parchment and gall ink. A blog is form of communication as valid as any.

It is my prayer and hope this blog becomes a forum for inspiration and encouragment as I share the joys and challenges of walking a spiritual path in these uncertain times. I hope others will do the same.

So, a little about me. I am a solitary monk living in the world, paying rent, juggling bills, working a job just like everyone else. But my life is enhanced by prayer, devotion and daily meditation. I practice celibacy and simplicity. (and the more you practice the better you get at it) :-)

It's not an easy road, but it is rewarding. It is a challenging road, but has given me more than I had ever imagined.

As this blog unfolds, there will be more to share. Right now, just getting started, wondering if anyone will even chance upon this, or will it be just a cyber voice lost in the internet wilderness.


  1. I have lived alone for 20 years. I also practice celibacy and am loner by heart. I live simply but yet also work in world and pay bills. It is so nice to find a like-mind in cyber space.

  2. I have also lived this Way for twenty years. I made the choice to..............what happened twenty years ago, that three people we now know of, chose the path of a Monk's lifestyle. Don't laugh, lol, I have felt very 'monkish' for most of my life......and to unknowingly become one, in body, heart and spirit, I have become my own person at One with ALL and the Creator Source, since then, more than ever. I am so grateful I connected with you in Cyber Space.......We were meant to find eachother......wandering in the desert........

    Namaste, Sandy

  3. i was thinking of you and decided to google you and found your blog. it warms my heart to see your pic and read your words, thank you for comming into my life, i miss you and think of you often, you changed my life, my thinking, thank you, hope you are doing well, im pretty sure you are, love susie from pa
