Thursday, February 19, 2015

Spiritual Terrorism (a note to a friend)

Be aware that as you move forward into the light, there will be forces trying to pull you back. Often the worse offenders are those closest to you. 

They resent you moving forward as they linger behind in the dark. They are jealous of how you found the strength and faith to overcome obstacles while they stagnate and wander through life blind. Most of all, they scream and threaten because they can no longer manipulate you.

But don't take it personally.


Always remember: It is not you they hate but anything of the light, anything good, anything truly creative, anything that isn't all about them. LOL

It is only spiritual terrorism. They use fear to undermine you. But their arrogance will be their undoing. Every four-letter word, every threat made can and will be used against them. 
(This note is to someone in particular: I am amazed how parents of a baby do not consider how their actions may damage their own child but then again such people only think of themselves and can't imagine any repercussions even as they see signs all around them. )

See their attempts to pull you into their own darkness as nothing more than Spiritual Terrorism and do not be afraid. They have already lost.

After all, it's not like in the movies where the fight against evil lasts for hours and hours.  A simple wave of the hand is enough as you say:

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