Tuesday, November 11, 2014


art work by Trudi Simmonds

Equanimity (Latinæquanimitas having an even mind; aequus even animus mind/soul) is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind. 

Some people thrive on conflict. It gives false meaning to their lives, supports the illusion that they have power and are in control. Until, of course, circumstances prove otherwise, as they inevitably will do. To some, this is seen as Karma - basically, what you create becomes your reality, a magnetic pull of similarities. In other words, Light attracts Light and Dark attracts Dark. 

Spiritual practices, such as prayer and meditation help to "be in the world but not of the world." It's easy to be thrown off balance by the actions of others and the day-to-day struggle of life on earth. Spirituality does not prevent such things from happening. The Path of Light just gives you more to work with.

Seeing beyond this world helps maintain balance, to have 
equanimity and peace of mind and heart, knowing that "this too shall pass."

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